

Acon campaign raising awareness for new approaches to HIV prevention that don’t always involve condoms.

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Phase 1.

Pose the question

The campaign was broken into two phases. Phase one was to use “Gorilla campaign” techniques. Stencils on the floor outside subway stations and huge Black & White paste ups around the city would pose the ambiguous and leading question, How do you do it?

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Phase 2.

You Chooose!

Stage two featured responses to this question from six gay men, visually coming to life using colour & photography. Each of the three methods of HIV prevention uses a different colour - magenta for condoms, blue for PrEP and green for UVL (Undetectable Viral Load).

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Acon recently announced that NSW has achieved the lowest rate of new HIV notifications since surveillance began in 1985. This is great news and testament to our work with Acon doing it’s job effectively.